Monday, March 20, 2023
Message from Business Manager William Brown
The dates for the April 2023 union meetings are listed below. We encourage you to attend the union meetings to stay involved in the most updated information and to ask any questions you may have. This is the best time for you to fully participate, through discussion, in the decision-making processes of this union that benefit the union and its members. Participation and involvement are valued and encouraged.
- STL- April 3
- BG- April 4
- CEC- April 5
IBEW Local 2032 Renewable Scholarship for 2023 applications are due May 15th, 2023
Member Spotlight:
Please take a moment to read the two articles that feature both members from LU 2032 and LU 2104 from The Electrical Worker newspaper, LU 2104 article Ice Boom, and the below Hazards & Heroes.

New Members - Please join me in welcoming four new members to the union:
- Jason Beretz, a Security Guard at BG.
- Cameron Cartier, a Control Room Apprentice Operator at STL.
- Allison Pharoah, a Control Room Apprentice Operator at STL.
- Justin Planty, a Control Room Apprentice Operator at STL.
Shop Stewards- We would like to congratulate the following members who recently became Shop Stewards at STL, CEC and BG:
- Justin Gross is now a Shop Steward in the Test Department at STL.
- Sarah Bramer is now a Shop Steward in the Clerical Department at BG.
- Cormac Bailey is now a Shop Steward in the Transmission Department.
- Kurtis Owen is now a Shop Stewarded in the Mechanical Maintenance Department at BG.
- Michael Bucciero is now a Shop Steward in the Transmission Department at CEC.
- Congratulations to Mark Reynolds, who became a Journeyman Mechanic at BG.
Member Orientation training at the BG Visitor’s Center and the NY Energy Zone went very well. Members enjoyed training from Craig Duffy with the IBEW Training Department and learned more about the benefits to belonging to a union as well as what the Union can do to protect you. We had 15 members take place in the training at BG and 22 members take part in the training at CEC. Thank you to the Unit Chairman Mike Scranton and Jason Jochem for assisting with refreshments for training as well as Tara Rehberg and Jessica Allen for getting the rooms ready for us! We anticipate training at the STL site later this year.
We had 36 Shop Stewards and officers participate in the 2-day P & I and Advanced Steward Training in Utica. Stewards participated in intense and informative training, discussions, and team-building activities, as well as a presentation from our Brothers Mario Rector and Joe Bethman from the Principal Financial Group on wealth management and retirement planning. We believe that assisting our members in planning for their future is as important as strengthening the bond amongst stewards at all locations to work together collectively for the good of the union and its members.
Please check your email for a memo about the IBEW Renewable Scholarship. This is a $1,000.00 award given to a member’s son or daughter that will attend college or a trade school in the fall of 2023. This can be renewed for three additional years if the criteria are met. Criteria for this year remain the same as in the past: a transcript, reference letters from two teachers, a short essay, the name and project location of the student’s parent and an acceptance letter from a college or trade school. These five items must be received via email or be postmarked by Monday, May 15th, 2023. The winner will be chosen on June 8th, 2023. If you have any questions, please email or call the office.
Please also note that there is an IBEW Founder’s Scholarship available for working members as well as a Union Plus Scholarship which is available for members, and their children. Please see the links below to find out more information as well as the application.
Membership Participation:
If you would like to take part in the 3rd District Women’s Committee Monthly Zoom call, please contact the union office. The call is scheduled for the second Wednesday of every month. They will not meet in July and August. They begin the zoom meeting promptly at 7 pm and it runs until 8 pm. The purpose of the call is to educate, engage and empower the women in the 3rd District. If you would like to sign on and join, all are welcome. This is a great way to get more involved in the union.
The 3rd District has a monthly Zoom meeting for the 3DYC Third District Youth Caucus. If you are a young worker and would like to get involved or share ideas on engaging our young workers, please contact the union office for the monthly Zoom meeting for April 2023. We would really like to have a presence at these meetings.
At STL we plan to participate in the “Adopt-A-Highway” program once again in early May. Please look for an email in April regarding the date and time of this community involvement program. We would like to see a large participation this year, as we have in the past. We will provide pizza and wings afterward at Coach’s Corner. This is a great way for you and your family to put in some community service time and clean up the roads that you drive by to report to work each day.
The local's leadership recently met with Ostroff Associates, Inc. as well as numerous legislators. Our goals involve developing relationships with state leaders that represent our views and ideals. Our priorities include workforce development and planning, designed to attract and retain a membership unmatched in the utility industry, as well as investigate and promote a strategy benefiting our membership in the NYS retirement system (NYSLRS).
The Grievance Committee is working hard to resolve all the grievances left from the last contract. As a grievance is either resolved or moved to the next step, you will receive a letter from the union office to indicate this. If you have any questions about an open grievance or one that has been settled, please call the office for specific information.
We received some updated flyers with information on rates and offers from our new representative at UECU (Utilities Employees Credit Union). If you would like information sent to you, please call or email the union office and we will send it out in the mail.
The union office has created a document that contains urgent care facility locations that are in close proximity to all three projects. Below is a link to a word document that contains links to the websites of the urgent care facility, the current hours of operation, contact information, and what services they provide. This will be sent to your email as well; this will be a helpful tool that can be utilized at home or away. Please note this list is not all-encompassing and if there is an emergency, please use your best judgment and go to the ER if necessary.
Keep in mind, if you are thinking about purchasing a new vehicle soon, IBEW has the Ford X Plan. Click here to download the below flyer with the partner code.

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