Officers & Executive Board


  • William Brown Jr.

    STL - Business Manager
  • Ben Murtagh

    STL - President
  • Jason Chilton

    STL- Vice-President/Treasurer
  • John (J.J.) Gray III

    STL - Financial Secretary
  • Millicent Hopper

    Recording Secretary

Unit Chairs

  • Mike Scranton

    CEC - Unit Chair
  • Jason Jochem

    BG - Unit Chair

Unit Vice Chairs

  • Dominick Colucci

    CEC - Unit Vice Chair
  • Leonard Cater

    BG - Vice Chair

Executive Board

  • Bernard Adams

    STL-Executive Board
  • Terry Cook

    Chair of the Executive Board
  • Randy Woodside

    STL - Executive Board Officer
  • Elizabeth Harris

    BG - Executive Board Officer
  • William Smith

    CEC-Executive Board