Friday, November 11, 2022
Message from Business Manager William Brown
Veteran’s Day is a day where we recognize with profound gratitude the sacrifice that our nation’s men and women in the U. S. Armed Forces have made. I would like to offer a sincere thank you to those members and their families who have selflessly answered the call to serve. We owe these brave men and women a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.
The dates for the December 2022 Union Meetings are listed below. We encourage you to attend the union meetings as this is the best way to get updated and first-hand information.
- December 5, STL Meeting
- December 6, BG Meeting
- December 7, CEC Meeting
The Successor Agreement April 1, 2022, through July 31, 2027, has passed by a 66% approval. Bill was pleased with the number of members that took the time to vote. The vote count for the ratification were as follows: of 416 votes, there were 273 yes votes and 143 no votes. Thank you to all that came out and voted or requested an absentee ballot.
Welcome to the following new employees at STL and BG. If you see a new face, please stop and welcome them!
- Harrison Snell, a Technician A at BG.
- Sean MacDougall, a Temp Buildings and Grounds Attendant at BG.
- Corey Lavoie, a Temp Buildings and Grounds Attendant at STL.
The second run-off election will be held for the CEC Vice Chairman on November 9th, 2022, at the Union Office in Massena at 5:30 pm. Results will be announced soon.
We are working on getting information out about holiday gatherings for this year and are looking for feedback from the membership. Please keep an eye out for more information to come.
When you buy union, you're supporting good jobs in American communities, jobs that provide living wages and benefits, safe working conditions, and dignity and respect for work. Look for these quality products, produced by union members, when preparing for your Thanksgiving feast.

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