The Labor Day Solidarity Parade was a huge success this year even with challenges due to the virus and the weather. We all know that this country would not and will not make it through the pandemic without us. It was really encouraging to see members from the various unions in and around the area come together and march in solidarity to support each other. This year’s theme was appropriate: “Honoring Front Line and Essential Workers”. We all know that this country would not and will not make it through the pandemic without them. A special thank you to those who helped put this parade together. The Massena Solidarity Day Committee Co-Chairs Ron McDougall and Randy Woodside. Also, special thank you to JJ Gray, Chris Wiley, and Randy for decorating the crane for the parade, and Rob Brothers for distributing the buckets full of candy and handing out the T-shirts to the members that marched with us. We were happy to have Massena Mayor Tim Ahlfeld walk with us along with Assemblyman Mark Walczyk.