Wednesday, November 25, 2020
In 2021, there will be an increase in the benefits and cost of the New York State Paid Family Leave Act (PFL). We have outlined the changes to occur in the policy in 2021 below:
- Can be used for paid leave to bond with new child, care for family member with serous health condition or assist loved ones when a family member is deployed.
- Also may be used for minor dependent children us under an order of quarantine or isolation due to COVID-19 (as of April 2020).
- Final phase will become effective 1-1-21.
- Weekly benefits will increase to 67% of State Average Weekly Wage (SAWW). (Up from 60% from last year)
- Allows up to 12 weeks of leave. (2020 benefit was 10 weeks)
- The New York SAWW is $1,450.17.
- Maximum weekly PFL benefit for 2021 will be $971.61.
- NYS increased the 2021 PFL rate from 0.27% to 0.511% of an employee’s gross wages per pay period up to a salary of $75,408.84
- Max annual contribution for 2021 is $385.34.
- New PFL deduction begins in first paycheck in January 2021.

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