
Looking Forward to 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Message from Business Manager William Brown
We are looking forward to a new and prosperous year in 2023. 
The dates for the February union meetings are listed below. If you haven’t attended a meeting in a while, it would be great to see some new faces. We hope you plan to attend. 
  • STL- 2-6-23
  • BG- 2-7-23
  • CEC-2-8-23
Please welcome our newest IBEW Member and NYPA employee, Michael Odell. Michael is a temp Groundman at BG. 
Don’t forget, Martin Luther King Day is now a NYPA designated holiday on January 16th. Enjoy your extended weekend. 
We had a great turnout for the CEC Holiday Party on January 6th at Tavolos. There were over 70 members, their spouses, and CEC retirees in attendance. Special thank you to Mike Scranton for helping to set up this event and to keep track of this list of attendees.
The IRS mileage rate has increased once more to $00.655 per mile. The expense statement form has been updated on the IBEW Local 2032 for ease of use. 
David Mullen, IBEW Director Safety & Health sent the following reminder of how to protect yourself from the cold. This may prove useful with all the snow that our regions have seen already this year.


New and advanced Shop Steward training will take place February 1-3rd in Utica. Craig Duffy and Julie Cosenza will be in attendance to conduct the training and team building for both new and “seasoned” shop stewards. This is an extremely valuable tool for us to have to protect the rights of the union workers.  
There will be new member training at BG and CEC on January 26th and 26th, respectively. The training will take place at each site’s visitor’s center. We anticipate also having training for the STL employees later this year. Those members that are new members since the last training session will be invited to attend, please check your email for additional information. 
Swift Optical in Massena has closed. Further prescription safety eyeglass orders will be placed with Mohawk Vision, 997 State Highway Rt. 37 Hogansburg, NY for the St. Lawrence locations. 
Tom Campbell with WNY Labor Today recently wrote an article on 1-9-23 regarding the recent contract negotiations and subsequent ratification. You can click on the link below to read the full article. WNY Labor Today article
Below is a 2023 calendar sent out by NYPA which is a quick reference for observed days off and pay dates.
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