Monday, June 27, 2022
Message from Business Manager William Brown
Congratulations to our union Brothers and Sisters at USW-420A in Massena, NY as they ratified their 4-year contract on June 2, 2022. We encourage our members to continue to stand strong in solidarity as Bill and the Negotiating Committee continue to fight for our fair contract as well.
With the officer election nearing in September, please ensure that we have your current address and email on file at the union office. You may call 315-764-1778 or email to update it or verify if what we have is current.
Our brothers and sisters at Local 2104 recently held a small service to honor the lives of the Buffalo residents that recently perished at the Top’s Market in Amherst, NY.

We will announce the winner of the IBEW Local 2032 Scholarship in July’s Newsletter once the winner receives the letter and award in the mail. Congratulations also go out to Jillian Chapman and Matthew Vroman who received the renewal award this year by meeting the yearly criteria requirements.
Negotiations: Bill, Local 2104 and the Negotiating Committee met with the company in Syracuse again last week. The next meeting with the company will be August 8-10th.
A motion to amend the bylaws to utilize an electronic voting method was passed at all three sites at the June union meetings. The Local would like to use for their electronic voting website and hope to get it on-line shortly.
Parade tickets have been sent out to your STL Shop Stewards the week of June 6th. Just a friendly reminder that we ask you to sell the 5 tickets and return the money in the same envelope to your Steward as soon as they are sold. We have more tickets at the office if you need any more. We greatly appreciate your continued support and solidarity in this endeavor and hope to see you at the parade.
Also, we would like to send out a big “Thank you” to Molly Hopper who has decided to take Randy Woodside’s position as Co-Chairman of the Solidarity Parade Committee.
This is a reminder that the new CVS Caremark Pharmacy vendor started June 1, 2022. If you experience any problems, please let the union office or Jason Chilton know.
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