Updates from Around Local 2032

Friday, February 25, 2022
The memo regarding LU 2032 annual scholarship will be sent out in early March. Please check your email for this and encourage your senior student to participate in this renewable award. It is anticipated that all letters of reference, transcript and essay will be required by late May.
We anticipate having our semi-annual BJ’s Wholesale Club renewal/new membership drive in the next few weeks. Please check your email for further information.
The 2022 Holiday Schedule has been updated to include Tuesday, July 5, 2022, as a designated holiday for all three sites.
Negotiations are continuing to progress. The local has a couple of meetings with the company scheduled in February and March to discuss proposals, anticipating that all proposals will be submitted by mid-March. More to follow.
The union office has sent out a second round of renewal notices for NILICO benefits this week. If you have not already sent in your reply, please do so if you are interested in the program. Participation in this program is voluntary. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Dave Scalisi at 315-345-8425. This is a good time to make sure that if you have had a change of address to let the union office know.
Dustin Truesdell, an Apprentice Mechanic at BG was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. This has resulted in an extended hospital stay. As you may know, Dustin has only been with NYPA since 2017 so he has not amassed a large amount of sick and vacation time. Members have reached out and we are awaiting approval from the PA to donate vacation days, much like we have done in the past for other members. Please consider donating a vacation day to a fellow member in need.
If you are confused about a medical bill or co-pay fees, members should seek out advice from NYPA HR before the bills are paid. The Union has addressed concerns about multiple co-pay fees quite a bit in the last few months and think it would be beneficial to have these questions answered prior to payment.
Local 2032 joins STL Operations Technology in taking pride of the team effort in completing RTU upgrades like this one. All the prior planning and prework combined with the hard work from the whole team allowed them to complete the cutovers with only one day outages for Operations.
STL Operations Technology Real-Time Systems Engineers realize that we are only as good as the team we work with, and we work with the best team that has a wealth of knowledge and capabilities.
From left to right:
R. Lannis (ER Tech), D. Hadley (ER Tech), G. Laramay (C Tech), D. Wescott (Res. Oper.), A. Laughlin (C Tech), B. Germain (Res. Oper.), D. Backus (ER Tech), W. Felix (J. Elect), M. Smutz (J. Elect)