Thursday, April 16, 2020
Brothers and Sisters,
Since our last newsletter, life has changed as we knew it. Today’s “new normal” will undoubtedly continue to bring lessons that we haven’t seen in the past.
As we continue to work remotely from home or report to the plants, I want to assure each of you that the Local’s leadership and Stewards are in constant communication with NYPA’s management. Our daily calls entail both day to day operations as well as planning for the days/weeks ahead. Those plans immediately include the next round of plant sequestration. We are working with management to mitigate the issues we encountered in the first rotation. We’ll see how this pays off.
In response to public statements by our Governor and President we have also begun discussing a return to work strategy. As part of this discussion Management will be asking for members to complete annual MOSAIC training remotely. We are fully aware of the obstacles accomplishing this from home will have. We stand ready to support each of you however needed.
This week the Executive Board penned a letter to you asking for your support in remaining vigilant and aware. I also ask for this support, as many citizens in our communities aren’t seeing the benefits of what a collective bargaining agreement does for us, as represented employees.
If or when asked about our wages and benefits, I ask that you simply refrain from opening up to them. This effort will assist us in the negotiations ahead. I also encourage each and every one of us to pay it forward whenever possible. This sense of community will have a profound response to each of us individually, as well as a Union Local collectively.
I want to thank each of you as members for your patience through all of these difficult times while at the same time thank all of my officers and Stewards for their unwavering support and communication with each of you. Without this constant effort I firmly believe our position today would not be as strong as I see it. This position is certain to strengthen us as represented employees in the future.
For now, continue to stay safe and positive. I hope to have more encouraging news in the weeks ahead.
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